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Understanding the Impact of the FTC’s Non-Compete Ban on Local Businesses in San Antonio, Boerne, and Helotes

So, the folks who make the rules, the FTC, just dropped a new one about non-compete agreements. In short, the FTC’s ban on non-competes creates a whole new concern. You know, those rules in your job contract that say you can’t work for a competitor or start a similar business right after you quit or get fired? Well, those have just changed big time.

From now on, most businesses won’t be able to use these non-compete clauses anymore. This is a big deal because it means once you leave a job, you’re free to work wherever you want, even if it’s with a competitor. But, there are a few exceptions, especially if big business deals, like when one company buys another, are involved.

Why does this matter to you? If you run a business or are thinking about starting one, you’ll need to know how this new rule works so you can play by the rules and still keep your best people around.

We’ll dive deeper into what this means and how you can handle it, so stick around!

The FTC’s Ban on Non-Competes: Final Rule Explained

What’s the Big Deal with the FTC’s New Rule on Non-Competes?

Alright, let’s break down this new rule from the FTC about non-competes. Simply put, the FTC doesn’t want companies to stop their workers from moving to other jobs or starting new businesses after they leave. They think it’s not fair for folks to be stuck and unable to switch jobs or start something on their own because of a contract.

Here’s the skinny:

  • No More Non-Competes: Most companies won’t be able to use non-compete clauses anymore. This means once you leave a job, you can go work for a competitor or start your own business in the same field without any fuss from your old job.
  • Exceptions Exist: There are a few exceptions though. Like if you sell your business, you might need to agree not to start a similar one right away. This helps the new owner keep the business valuable.

Why Does This Matter?

This rule is a big shake-up, especially for folks in competitive fields or those dreaming of starting their own gig. It’s all about giving people more freedom to work where they want and how they want.

So, if you’re running a business or planning to start one, you’ll want to stay clued in on these changes. Knowing the rules can help you plan better and stay out of trouble. And hey, it could mean more opportunities for everyone.

Strategic Adjustments for Compliance with the FTC New Rule

How you can keep your business on the right side of these new FTC rules about non-compete clauses?

  1. Review Current Contracts: Quick tip—grab all your current employee agreements and check them for non-compete clauses. These might need to go, unless they’re related to a business sale or involve top execs. Now will be a crucial time to focus on incorporating new language that protects you as an employer. Bulk up sections of your revised contract related to confidential disclosure agreements, non-disclosure agreements, and non-solicitation agreements.
  2. Update New Contracts: Moving forward, keep those contracts clean of any non-compete stuff that the FTC might frown upon. You might want to add in some clauses that protect your business secrets without stopping folks from moving on if they want to. Instead, focus on confidentiality and non-solicitation agreements that don’t restrict future job opportunities for your team.
  3. Educate Your Team: Make sure your HR and legal teams are up to speed. They need to know what’s cool and what’s not under the new rules. This helps when they’re hiring new folks or updating contracts. Roll out some training sessions for your HR people. They need to know what’s up with the new rules so they can handle things right from hiring to exit interviews.
  4. Consult with Legal Experts: First things first, talk to a lawyer who knows about employment laws. This will save you a headache later. An attorney can help you tweak your contracts so they’re fair game under the new rule. If you’re unsure about labor laws, they can offer personalized advice and help steer your business clear of potential legal snags.
  5. Keep Documentation Tight: Lastly, document everything from your contract revisions to employee notifications. It’s your safety net if questions pop up later. If you ever need to show that you’re following the rules, having your paperwork in order will be a lifesaver. Keep records of how you’re applying the new rules in your business.
  6. Stay Informed: Laws change, and staying updated is key. Keep an eye on any updates about these rules, and maybe even subscribe to a legal newsletter.

Wrapping It Up: What Texas Business Owners Need to Know about FTC’s Ban on Non-Competes

Alright, let’s quickly sum up what we’ve covered about the new FTC rules on non-competes, especially for you folks running businesses in Texas:

  • Big Changes: The FTC says “no more” to most non-compete clauses. This means you can’t stop your ex-employees from joining a competitor or starting their own business in the same field.
  • Few Exceptions: There are a few exceptions, especially when it comes to big deals like selling your business or for your top executives. Keep these in mind.

Now, what should you do about all this? Here’s a friendly nudge:

  • Get Ahead of the Curve: Don’t wait around. Start reviewing and updating your contracts now. Make sure they line up with the new rules.
  • Educate Your Team: Make sure everyone from HR to your managers knows what’s up with these changes. It’ll save you trouble down the line.
  • Notify Workers (Past and Present): The new Rule also requires employers to notify both current and previous employees that any previous non-compete clauses are no longer in effect.

And if all this sounds a bit overwhelming, don’t sweat it:

  • Reach Out for Help: The Escamilla Law Office is just a call or click away. We’re here to help you figure out these changes and keep your business running smoothly. Don’t hesitate to get in touch for tailored advice and strategic planning.

That’s it! Simple steps and you’re good to go. Stay informed, stay proactive, and let’s keep those business wheels turning!

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

Summary of Topics Discussed in this article on Real Estate Laws in Boerne and San Antonio:

Impact of Real Estate Commission Settlement on Industry Practices

  • Settlement Overview: The settlement has changed traditional real estate commission practices and laws in both Boerne and San Antonio. Previously, the seller paid commissions to both the listing and buyer’s agents.
  • Financial Implications: Now, sellers can choose not to offer a commission to the buyer’s agent, potentially reducing their costs and altering transaction dynamics.
  • Impact on Buyers: This shift places a financial burden on buyers, especially those inexperienced, who must now pay their agents or opt to proceed without one, potentially complicating transactions due to no intermediary.

Understanding Commission Structures: Pre-Change Overview

  • Traditional Structure: Commissions were split between the listing and buyer’s agents, typically totaling 5-6% of the home’s price, which encouraged agent collaboration to facilitate sales.
  • Seller’s Role: The seller would negotiate a listing commission that included paying the buyer’s agent, indirectly affecting the transaction’s cost to the buyer.
  • Transparency Issues: The traditional model obscured actual costs to buyers, who indirectly paid commissions through the purchase price.

The New Commission Settlement: What Changed?

  • Settlement Details: A class-action lawsuit led to significant changes, ending the obligation for sellers to automatically pay buyer’s agent commissions, thus aiming to lower transaction costs and increase transparency.
  • Direct Negotiations: The change allows for more direct negotiations on agent fees between buyers and sellers, impacting the overall dynamics and potentially leading to a more competitive market.
  • Buyer Responsibilities: Buyers now face a learning curve in understanding and negotiating agent fees, potentially increasing their transactional responsibilities.

Impact on Sellers and Listing Agents

  • Cost Savings: Sellers can save on commission costs, gaining more control over financial aspects of property sales.
  • Marketing Challenges for Agents: Listing agents must adapt to new conditions where they directly negotiate their fees, pushing for competitive rates and differentiated services.
  • Market Shifts: The market may see varied service models from agents and potentially faster shifts in property listing and sales strategies.

Impact on Buyers and Buyer Agents

  • Commission Costs to Buyers: Buyers might now pay commissions directly, affecting their overall cost calculations and agent interactions.
  • Agent Adjustments: Buyer agents need to justify their value more clearly, possibly shifting towards fee-for-service models to attract cost-conscious clients.
  • Market Dynamics: This could lead to a more buyer-focused market with varied agent service packages and increased competition among agents.

Navigating New Costs as a Home Buyer

  • Preparation for Upfront Costs: Buyers should anticipate significant upfront costs such as inspections and appraisals, influenced by the new commission structures.
  • Strategic Negotiations: It’s crucial for buyers to negotiate agent fees and consider various service types to manage costs effectively.
  • Financial Planning: Buyers should use financial planning tools to understand and manage additional expenses like title searches and insurance.

Legal Considerations and Advice

  • Legal Responsibilities: With the shift in commission payment responsibilities, buyers must understand their new contractual obligations.
  • Legal Risks Without Representation: Buyers without agents face higher risks in negotiations and contract understanding, necessitating legal advice.
  • Comprehensive Legal Planning: Buyers should consult legal professionals to integrate real estate purchases into broader financial and legal planning.


  • Market Transformation: The settlement reshapes U.S. residential real estate transactions, emphasizing transparency and flexibility in commission negotiations.
  • Adaptation and Opportunities: The industry must adapt to new norms, with all parties needing to stay informed and seek professional advice to navigate the changed landscape effectively.
  • Future Outlook: The market’s future dynamics will depend on how well participants adapt to these changes, impacting both buying and selling strategies.

Introduction: Impact of Real Estate Commission Settlement on Industry Practices

The recent settlement regarding the National Association of Realtor Commission has fundamentally altered the landscape of the real estate industry. This change in real estate law not only impacts Boerne and the San Antonio area, it has changed the landscape across the nation. Traditionally, the seller would pay commissions to both the listing and buyer’s agents. The typical arrangement would have the seller paying a total of approximately 5-6% in commissions, divided between these agents. This commission structure incentivized both parties to facilitate the sale. However, the settlement has now shifted this dynamic, allowing sellers to potentially bypass offering any commission to the buyer’s agent, which alters the financial and operational aspects of real estate transactions.

This change benefits sellers and listing agents by reducing the overall cost of selling a property, thereby potentially increasing net returns on sales. However, it places a new burden on buyers, particularly those who are first-time or less experienced, who must now either pay out of pocket for their representation or navigate the transaction without an agent. This could lead to a decrease in buyer’s agents in the market and possibly deter new buyers due to the increased upfront costs. The long-term effects of this shift may lead to more direct negotiations between buyers and sellers, possibly complicating transactions due to the lack of a mediator who understands the complexities of real estate deals.

Understanding Commission Structures: Pre-Change Overview

Prior to the recent regulatory changes, commission structures were a critical component of how transactions were financially managed between agents and their clients. Traditionally, these commissions were divided between the listing (seller’s) agent and the buyer’s agent, with common rates generally ranging from 5% to 6% of the home’s selling price. This fee was typically split equally between the two agents, each receiving about 2.5% to 3%. These commission rates were not fixed and could vary based on the agreement between the homeowner and the agents involved, reflecting the negotiable nature of real estate commissions.

The standard practice involved the seller agreeing to a listing commission with their agent, who then listed the property on the market. Part of the negotiation with the listing agent often included the commitment to pay the buyer’s agent’s commission. This structure incentivized buyer’s agents to show homes that offered a standard commission, thereby aligning the interests of buyers and agents. By ensuring that buyer’s agents were compensated, sellers could attract more potential buyers to their property, facilitating a smoother and potentially faster sale.

However, these traditional commission structures were set up in a way that potentially obscured the costs to the consumer. Buyers often did not directly pay their agents; instead, their agents received a share of the commission that the seller agreed to during the listing agreement. This arrangement made it somewhat unclear to the buyer how much of the property purchase price was effectively going towards agent commissions, thereby indirectly impacting the overall transaction cost.

This pre-change overview sets the stage for understanding the significant impact of the new regulations, which shift some financial responsibilities directly to buyers, altering how agents are compensated and potentially changing the dynamics of home buying and selling.

The New Commission Settlement: What Changed?

The recent landmark class-action lawsuit involving the National Association of Realtors (NAR) has led to significant changes in the way home-sale commissions are structured in the U.S. Traditionally, commissions were typically a combined total of 5-6% of the home’s selling price, split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. This fee was generally borne by the seller, which not only increased the cost of selling a home but also indirectly affected the buying process. The settlement has shifted this paradigm by decoupling these commissions, allowing buyers and sellers more flexibility to negotiate agent fees directly.

Under the new agreement, which settles a hefty $418 million payout by NAR, the old system of obligatory commission payments to both buyer and seller agents by the seller is dismantled. This is intended to reduce overall transaction costs and increase transparency in real estate transactions. Sellers now have the option not to pay the buyer’s agent commission, which could potentially lower the seller’s expenses and alter the dynamics of negotiating home prices.

Experts believe this change will benefit consumers by lowering the cost of home sales and making fee structures more transparent. This could lead to a more competitive market, where buyers and sellers are better informed about the costs associated with buying or selling a home. However, it also places more responsibility on buyers to understand and negotiate the terms of agent fees, potentially leading to a new learning curve in the real estate process.

Overall, these changes are expected to have a profound impact on the real estate industry, promoting a more buyer-friendly environment that could encourage more transactions, especially among first-time homebuyers who are sensitive to the high costs associated with traditional commission structures.

Impact on Sellers and Listing Agents

The recent changes in real estate commission rules, notably the end of mandatory commission splits between listing and buyer’s agents, herald a significant shift for sellers and listing agents alike. Historically, sellers were responsible for paying both their own agents and the buyer’s agents, typically totaling around 5-6% of the home’s sale price. This cost is traditionally built into the price of the home, indirectly affecting the sale price and the seller’s net proceeds. The new rule change allows sellers to potentially save on these costs, offering more control over the financial aspects of selling their home. This could lead to a shift in the market where sellers might opt to negotiate lower commission rates or choose different models of service that could range from full service at a standard rate to more à la carte options, potentially making their listings more competitive.

For listing agents, these changes pose a new challenge in how they market their services and justify their fees. With the abolition of the standard offer of compensation via MLS, listing agents must now directly negotiate their fees with sellers who may be more incentivized to shop around for lower rates or different service models. This could drive a more competitive marketplace among agents, who will need to differentiate themselves through superior service, marketing techniques, or innovative pricing models. The change might also encourage more transparency in real estate transactions, as sellers become more involved in the negotiation details of agent commissions.

Ultimately, these changes are likely to impact how properties are listed and sold, influencing everything from listing prices to how quickly homes are sold. Sellers might lean towards agents who offer more competitive rates or who can demonstrate value through comprehensive marketing strategies or exceptional negotiation skills. As a result, the real estate market could see a diversification of service offerings, with more customized solutions tailored to the needs and financial goals of sellers [2], [6].

Impact on Buyers and Buyer Agents

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) settlement introduces significant changes affecting both buyers and buyer agents, fundamentally altering the traditional dynamics of real estate transactions. Previously, the commissions for buyer agents were typically covered by the seller, which was factored into the overall pricing of homes. This longstanding practice ensured that buyer agents were motivated to close deals but also subtly inflated home prices since sellers needed to cover these costs. The settlement dismantles this arrangement by allowing sellers to decide if they want to contribute to the buyer’s agent’s commission at all, which could lead to lower overall home prices but also less certainty of income for buyer agents.

For buyers, this change could mean either potential cost savings on the purchase price of a home or an additional expense if they choose to hire a buyer’s agent and must pay the commission themselves. This shift places greater responsibility on buyers to negotiate their agent’s fees and may encourage more to consider whether they need full-service representation or if other, less traditional service models might serve their needs just as well without the accompanying standard fees. It creates a buyer’s market where they can shop for agents based on cost-effectiveness and value offered rather than simply assuming the seller will cover these costs.

Buyer agents, in turn, may need to adjust their business models to accommodate these changes. They might need to be more transparent about their services and value proposition, possibly moving towards a fee-for-service model or reducing their rates to attract clients who are now more cost-conscious. This could spur innovation in the industry, with agents developing new types of service packages or marketing themselves directly to buyers as essential advisers in the home buying process, especially in complex negotiations or markets.

Overall, these changes are poised to reshape the landscape of real estate transactions, potentially making the process more competitive and buyer-focused, but also adding layers of complexity that both buyers and agents will need to navigate.

Navigating New Costs as a Home Buyer

In the current real estate market, navigating new costs as a home buyer has become increasingly complex, particularly with recent changes in commission structures. Home buyers should be prepared for various upfront expenses that significantly affect their overall budget. These costs typically range from 2% to 6% of the home’s purchase price and include fees for inspections, appraisals, and earnest money deposits, among others.

With the new commission changes, buyers now have the potential responsibility of paying their agent’s commission, which traditionally was covered by the seller. This shift can lead to additional out-of-pocket expenses for buyers, making it crucial for them to understand and negotiate these costs upfront. It’s advisable for buyers to shop around for agents and consider options such as limited service or ‘a la carte’ real estate services that may offer reduced fees. Effective negotiation strategies can help mitigate some of these new financial burdens.

Furthermore, first-time homebuyers should pay particular attention to understanding all the potential costs involved in purchasing a home. Beyond the down payment and mortgage, there are additional expenses such as title searches, homeowner’s insurance, and potential homeowners’ association fees. Educating oneself on these costs and how to strategically plan for them will ease the financial strain of the home buying process. Financial planning tools and resources, such as comprehensive guides available online, can provide valuable insights into managing these expenses effectively.

In summary, navigating the new costs of buying a home requires careful preparation and informed decision-making. Buyers should approach the process with a thorough understanding of all expenses, not just those associated with the mortgage but also the shifting responsibilities around agent commissions and other related costs.

Legal Considerations and Advice

In the realm of real estate, especially with the recent changes in commission structures, understanding the legal considerations is crucial for both buyers and sellers. There are critical legal aspects that homebuyers should be aware of, beginning with the legal responsibilities now placed on buyers to negotiate and possibly pay agent commissions. Given the shift away from seller-paid buyer agent commissions, it’s essential for buyers to have a clear understanding of their contractual obligations when engaging real estate agents. Legal advice should be sought to ensure contracts are transparent and fair, outlining who bears the cost of commissions and under what circumstances.

Further, buyers should be educated on the potential legal ramifications of real estate transactions, including the implications of not having a buyer’s agent. Without representation, buyers may find themselves at a disadvantage during negotiations or not fully understanding the legal paperwork, which could lead to costly mistakes. Legal advisors can provide crucial guidance on how to navigate these risks, particularly in states with specific disclosure requirements or where real estate laws heavily favor either the buyer or seller.

Additionally, this section would offer advice on integrating real estate transactions with broader aspects of legal and financial planning. For instance, understanding how the purchase of a home affects estate planning or the implications of real estate investments on personal tax obligations. It would be advisable for buyers to consult with legal professionals specializing in real estate, estate planning, or tax law to ensure that all aspects of a property purchase are managed prudently.

This comprehensive approach not only helps in making informed decisions but also in protecting one’s investments and legal rights in the complex landscape of real estate. As laws and market practices continue to evolve, staying updated through legal counsel is indispensable.


The recent settlement and resulting changes in real estate commission structures represent a seismic shift in the way residential real estate transactions are handled in the United States. These changes, driven by the desire to enhance transparency and fairness in the real estate market, effectively alter who bears the cost of commissions, offering more flexibility and potential cost savings for sellers while introducing new responsibilities for buyers. Such modifications are expected to foster a more competitive market environment where buyers and sellers have greater autonomy in choosing and negotiating with their real estate agents.

For buyers, while this might mean an additional cost burden should they opt to employ the services of a buyer’s agent, it also empowers them to negotiate more aggressively on commission rates. Conversely, sellers are likely to benefit from reduced costs associated with selling their homes, potentially making home selling more appealing. The overall impact of these changes will hinge on how market participants—buyers, sellers, and agents—adapt to the new norms.

As the real estate industry navigates these changes, the value of informed decision-making is heightened. Buyers and sellers are advised to seek out comprehensive, professional advice and to stay informed on the evolving legal landscape and market conditions. This approach will not only help mitigate the risks associated with these changes but also capitalize on the new opportunities they may bring. In conclusion, as the dust settles on this landmark change, the ability of market participants to adapt will dictate the future dynamics of the real estate industry.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

In an era where financial transparency is paramount, understanding the nuances of filing Beneficial Ownership Information Reports with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) in the United States is crucial for many businesses. This article aims to demystify the FinCEN’s BOI Reporting (“BOIR”) Requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”), offering a guide to assist in compliance with FinCEN’s regulations.

Understanding the Requirement

Before delving into the specifics, it’s essential to determine whether your business is required to file a Beneficial Ownership Report with FinCEN, i.e., a reporting company. FinCEN identities two types of reporting companies:

  • Domestic reporting companies such as corporations, LLCs, and any other entities created by the filing of a document with a secretary of state or any similar office in the United States.
  • Foreign reporting companies are entities (including corporations and LLCs) formed under the law of a foreign country that have registered to do business in the United States by the filing of a document with a secretary of state or any similar office.

While there are some exemptions (23 exemptions on FinCEN), companies should carefully examine the qualifying criteria.

Identifying Beneficial Owners

The core of this process involves identifying the beneficial owners of your entity. These are individuals who, directly or indirectly, own a significant portion (usually 25% or more) of the entity’s equity interests or hold significant control or influence over the company’s operations. Accurately determining who these individuals are forms the foundation of your report.

Gathering Essential Information

Once you’ve identified the beneficial owners, the next step is collecting their detailed information. This includes names, dates of birth, addresses, and identification numbers (such as Social Security Numbers for U.S. persons or passport numbers for foreigners). Accuracy in this step is crucial to avoid any compliance issues.

Utilizing BOI E-Filing System

FinCEN has streamlined the reporting process through an electronic filing system, the BOI E-Filing System. Accessing this system is your gateway to submitting the required information. The system is designed to be user-friendly and secure, ensuring that sensitive data is handled appropriately.

Completing the BOIR

It’s imperative to fill out the information accurately, ensuring that all details about the beneficial owners are correctly entered. Any inaccuracies can lead to compliance issues.

Submitting Your Report

After completing the BOIR, it’s advisable to keep a copy of the filed report for your records. This submission should be treated with the utmost seriousness, as it forms a crucial part of your entity’s compliance record.

Adhering to Updating Requirements

While there is no annual reporting requirement, after reporting companies file an initial BOIR, companies must update or correct BOIRs as needed.

Record Maintenance

Maintaining meticulous records of your filings and any supporting documents is essential for compliance. These records are not only crucial for internal tracking but may also be required for regulatory reviews or audits.

Understanding the Stakes

Non-compliance with FinCEN’s reporting requirements can lead to significant penalties. It’s vital to understand the gravity of these regulations and the potential repercussions of failing to comply.

Seeking Professional Guidance

Given the seriousness of FinCEN’s BOIR compliance, seeking advice from professionals is recommended. This guidance can prove invaluable in navigating the intricacies of FinCEN’s requirements and ensuring your business remains in good standing.


Filing a Beneficial Ownership Information Report with FinCEN is a critical compliance requirement for many businesses in the United States. By reviewing FinCEN requirements and seeking professional advice, entities can ensure they meet their legal obligations, thereby contributing to the broader goal of financial transparency and integrity in the business world.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

The Escamilla Law Office proudly serves Boerne, TX, and its surrounding areas. We’re committed to guiding the local business community through our specialized legal services. We’re proud members of the Boerne Chamber of Commerce and actively contribute to the growth of the business community​​. Here are our key areas of practice in business law:

  1. Expertise in Mergers & Acquisitions: Mergers and acquisitions are pivotal moments for any business. We recognize how tough this process can be. Whether your buying a new business for the first time looking for an exit strategy from your current business, we’re here to help. We’ll treat your needs as our own from negotiation to due diligence and strategic planning.
  2. Comprehensive Business Law Services: We cover everything from legal compliance to litigation support. We understand the changing nuances of state and federal laws affecting your business. Our tailored advice will help you navigate these complexities.
  3. Contract Drafting and Management: Contracts are the backbone of business operations. We specialize in creating clear, enforceable contracts, covering all aspects from drafting to negotiation and review.
  4. Business Formation and Start-Up Support: Starting a new business is both exciting and scary. We’re committed to making the process both smooth and painless. We advise on the best business structure, legal requirements, and strategies for a successful launch. No matter how complex a business, we focus our efforts on you.

As members of the Greater Boerne Chamber of Commerce, we network with local businesses. We also provide professional development workshops, and leadership programs, enhancing the service we provide to our clients​​. Trust Escamilla Law Office as your legal partner, helping your business reach its full potential.

Escamilla Law Office: Your Trusted Partner in Business and Corporate Law in Boerne, Texas

At Escamilla Law Office, we pride ourselves on offering expert legal services to individuals and businesses throughout Texas. We’re specialized in business and corporate law. More than anything, we’re dedicated to providing tailored, effective solutions to meet your personal and corporate legal needs.

Escamilla Law Office handles a variety of legal matters, with extensive experience in business law. Whether you’re a new business owner or managing an established corporation, we’re here to help. Our practice areas include, business transactions, corporate governance, and legal compliance.

At Escamilla Law Office, we understand that each client’s situation is unique. That’s why our approach is personalized. We focus on achieving the best possible outcomes for you and your business. Through our dedication and commitment to excellence, your legal affairs are in capable hands.

If you start to navigate the complexities of business and corporate law, choose Escamilla Law Office. We look forward to combining our expertise with our commitment to personalized service.

Biggest needs for Business Law in Boerne

Boerne, Texas, presents a diverse and vibrant economic ecosystem which dates back generations. That said, the current marketing and explosive growth in the local economy have changed the landscape of business. Here’s a breakdown of the business landscape and associated legal structures today:

1.      Common types of businesses and legal structures in Boerne?

  • Small Businesses and Startups: Small businesses and startups drive much of Boerne’s economy. Most of these businesses vary from unique restaurants to local shops. These entities often start as sole proprietorships or partnerships but may evolve into LLCs for enhanced liability protection. Key legal concerns include business formation, contracts, employment law, and local business regulations.
  • Professional Services: Boerne hosts a range of professional service providers. In these industries, we commonly see legal structures like partnerships, LLCs, or professional corporations. Key legal issues here include professional liability, regulatory compliance, and ethical considerations, especially for those providing legal, financial, or medical services.
  • Retail and Automotive Services: The auto industry here doesn’t just include major corporations. In Boerne, small businesses like mechanic shops and body shops drive the local economy. Legal considerations include liability protection, often addressed through forming corporations or LLCs. Additionally, these businesses must navigate regulatory compliance specific to the automotive industry.

2.      Business Law Concerns in Boerne

  • Liability Protection: LLCs and corporations provide liability protection, crucial for businesses with higher risks, like auto services.
  • Taxation: Different structures have varied tax implications. Sole proprietorships and LLCs offer pass-through taxation, while corporations face double taxation but with potential benefits for reinvestment.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the industry, businesses in Boerne must adhere to specific state and federal regulations, especially important for professional service providers.
  • Succession Planning: For long-term stability, businesses must consider succession planning, particularly in family-owned businesses or partnerships.

In Boerne, each business requires a tailored legal approach to address specific needs and challenges. This also helps ensure continued compliance and sustainable growth. We’re dedicated to serving the local business community, to include entrepreneurs, startups and established corporations alike. Here are some of our main areas of practice:

  1. Mergers & Acquisitions Expertise: At Escamilla Law Office, we excel in managing mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Our approach includes comprehensive due diligence, strategic negotiations, and drafting precise agreements for asset and share purchases. This process ensures a seamless integration for your business ventures.
  2. Contract Drafting Proficiency: Using contract law to craft binding and enforceable agreements is our forte. We work diligently to ensure your contracts safeguard your interests, providing legal certainty in all your business dealings.
  3. Business Formation and Startup Guidance: Launching a new business is an exciting but intricate process. We offer expert legal counsel on establishing your business, including choosing the appropriate entity type, completing necessary filings, and crafting effective operating agreements.
  4. Employment Law Services: Navigate employment law confidently with our help. We specialize in drafting employment agreements, creating comprehensive employee handbooks, and resolving workplace disputes.
  5. General Counsel Services: We partner with companies to provide ongoing general counsel services to advise on a variety of business and legal needs.
  6. Estate Planning Solutions: Plan for the future with services tailored to wills, trusts, business succession planning, and living wills.
  7. General Business Law Advice: We provide insightful guidance and practical solutions for all other business-related legal queries.
  8. Mediation Services: We offer mediation to resolve disputes efficiently, helping you save time and resources.
  9. Real Estate Legal Assistance: We cover a range of real estate legal matters. These span from various stakeholders, including buyers, sellers, investors, and associations.
  10. Immigration Legal Services: We provide comprehensive legal advice for employment and family-based immigration services.

At Escamilla Law Office, we’re not just your attorneys; we’re your partners in navigating business law. Reach out to us for tailored legal solutions that propel your business forward.

What Your Small Business Needs to Know Buying and Selling Businesses

While there are plenty of reasons small businesses look into buying and selling businesses and/or assets (including growth, diversification, access to new markets, acquiring talent and IP, and operational synergies), the basic mechanics of a transaction are fairly similar. M&A for small businesses can be a complex process, but here’s a basic outline of what to expect in the process:

  1. Objective Setting: Determine why you want to pursue an M&A. It could be for growth, diversifying product lines, or entering a new market, among other reasons.
  2. Identification: Identify potential targets (for acquisition) or partners (for a merger). This can be done through market research, business brokers, or industry contacts.
  3. Due Diligence: Once a target or partner is identified, conduct a thorough investigation. This includes examining financials, operations, legal aspects, and other essential facets of the business.
  4. Valuation: Determine the value of the business in question. Several methods can be used, like the discounted cash flow (DCF), comparables method, asset-based approach, and/or sum-of-the-parts.
  5. Financing: Decide how the deal will be financed. This could be through cash, stock, debt, or a combination of these.
  6. Negotiation: Parties discuss the terms of the deal, including price, structure, and other conditions. This often involves back-and-forth until both sides reach an agreement.
  7. Letter of Intent (LOI): A non-binding document that outlines the main points of the deal. This provides a roadmap for the formal agreement.
  8. Formal Agreement: Once terms are settled, a definitive purchase or merger agreement is drafted and signed by both parties.
  9. Integration: After the deal closes, the process of integrating the two businesses begins. This includes combining operations, cultures, and systems.
  10. Post-merger Review: After a set period, it’s advisable to review the merger’s success or the acquisition’s value-add to ensure objectives are being met.

Throughout the M&A process, it’s crucial for small businesses to involve experts such as M&A advisors, accountants, and lawyers to ensure a smooth and compliant process.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

Pros and Cons of LLC, C-Corp and Other Texas Business Entities: Understanding Which is Right For You

The choice of business entity is a critical decision for Texas entrepreneurs, influencing legal exposure, tax obligations, and operational freedom. The Lone Star State offers a business-friendly environment with a variety of entity options. This article delves into the pros and cons of these entities in Texas, specifically focusing on Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies (LLCs), and Corporations.

Sole Proprietorship in Texas:


  • Simplicity in Setup: Texas law allows for easy setup of sole proprietorships without the need to file formal articles of incorporation.
  • Direct Control: The owner maintains complete authority over all business decisions.
  • Tax Benefits: Income is reported on the owner’s personal tax returns, streamlining the tax process.


  • Unlimited Personal Liability: Texas law does not distinguish between personal and business assets for sole proprietors, raising the stakes for business debts and liabilities.
  • Difficulty in Raising Capital: Sole proprietors may find it challenging to secure business loans or investments due to perceived risk by lenders and investors.

Partnership in Texas:


  • Combined Expertise: Partnerships allow for a collaboration of skills and resources, which can be particularly beneficial in Texas’ diverse economy.
  • Tax Pass-Through: Similar to sole proprietorships, partnerships offer pass-through taxation, avoiding corporate tax rates.
  • Ease of Formation: General partnerships in Texas can be formed without filing state documents, though written agreements are advisable.


  • Shared Liability: Each partner is jointly liable for the debts of the partnership, which could affect personal assets.
  • Potential for Conflict: Without clear agreements, disputes can arise, possibly leading to dissolution.

Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Texas:


  • Personal Asset Protection: LLCs provide liability protection, separating personal assets from business debts.
  • Tax Choices: Texas LLCs can choose between pass-through taxation or corporate taxation, whichever is more beneficial.
  • Flexible Management: There are fewer formalities in the management of a Texas LLC compared to a corporation.


  • Franchise Tax: Texas LLCs are subject to a state franchise tax, though smaller LLCs may be exempt.
  • Complexity in Formation: Forming an LLC in Texas is more complex than setting up a sole proprietorship or partnership, requiring more paperwork and higher initial fees.

Corporation (C Corp and S Corp) in Texas:


  • Liability Protection: Shareholders have limited liability, a crucial consideration in Texas’ robust business environment.
  • Capital Acquisition: Texas corporations can attract investors through stock offerings, a significant advantage for growth.
  • Perpetual Existence: Corporations in Texas have the advantage of continuous existence, regardless of changes in ownership or management.


  • Double Taxation for C Corps: Income can be taxed at both the corporate level and again as dividends to shareholders.
  • Regulatory Requirements: Corporations must adhere to stringent state regulations, including reporting and governance protocols.
  • Formation and Maintenance Complexity: They are more costly and complex to form and maintain, requiring compliance with both state and federal regulations.


Texas entrepreneurs must carefully consider their business needs and risks when selecting an entity type. While sole proprietorships and partnerships offer simplicity and direct control, they come with significant personal liability. LLCs and corporations, meanwhile, provide liability protection and opportunities for raising capital but at the cost of higher complexity and regulatory oversight. A consultation with a legal or financial expert versed in Texas business law is often a prudent step in making this pivotal decision.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

Estate Planning in Texas: Wills, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Living Wills and More

Estate planning is an essential process that involves the organization and management of an individual’s asset base in the event of incapacitation or death. The complexity of estate planning can vary greatly depending on the size of the estate, the number of potential heirs, and the specific wishes of the individual. At its core, estate planning serves to ensure that the individual’s assets are distributed according to their wishes while also aiming to minimize the tax burden on the estate and the heirs.

The Core Components of Estate Planning:

  1. Will: A legal document that outlines how an individual’s assets will be distributed upon their death. It is also the instrument to appoint guardians for minor children.
  2. Trusts: A fiduciary arrangement that allows a third party, or trustee, to hold assets on behalf of a beneficiary or beneficiaries. Trusts can be used to provide for the management of assets during life and after death, and can help avoid probate.
  3. Power of Attorney: A legal document that grants an individual the power to act on your behalf in financial matters if you become unable to do so.
  4. Healthcare Directives: Also known as a living will; it lays out your wishes for medical care if you become unable to communicate. Along with this, a healthcare proxy designates someone to make medical decisions on your behalf.
  5. Beneficiary Designations: Certain assets, like life insurance and retirement accounts, are transferred upon death to a named beneficiary and are not governed by the will.
  6. Guardianship Designations: For those with minor children or dependent adults, this is an essential part of the estate plan to ensure that there is legal provision for the care of dependents.

Why Estate Planning is Crucial:

  • Protects Beneficiaries: It protects beneficiaries from the IRS and from potentially contentious probate proceedings.
  • Minimizes Taxes: Proper planning can transfer assets to beneficiaries with the least amount of taxes due.
  • Avoids Succession Hassles: Business owners need to consider who will manage or inherit the business.
  • Clarifies Healthcare Wishes: It ensures that your healthcare wishes are followed and that a trusted person can make decisions if you cannot.
  • Prevents Wealth Squandering: By setting up trust provisions, you can stipulate when and how heirs will receive your assets to prevent mismanagement.

Texas law provides for a simplified probate process in some circumstances, but proper estate planning can make the transition even smoother. Here are some Texas-specific considerations for your estate planning:

  1. Independent Administration of Estates: Texas favors the independent administration of estates, allowing executors to act without court supervision in many instances, which underscores the importance of having a will.
  2. Community Property State: Texas is a community property state, which means that any property acquired during marriage is considered owned jointly by both spouses. This can have significant implications for estate planning and the distribution of assets upon death.
  3. No State Estate or Inheritance Tax: Texas does not impose a state estate or inheritance tax, but Texans still need to consider federal estate taxes in their planning.
  4. Statutory Durable Power of Attorney: This is a legal document recognized in Texas that allows you to designate someone to manage your property and financial affairs if you become incapacitated.
  5. Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates (Living Will): This document communicates your wishes concerning medical treatment when facing an irreversible condition.
  6. Medical Power of Attorney: This allows you to designate someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

Core Documents for Texans:

  • Will: Specifies your wishes regarding how your assets should be distributed and who will care for your minor children.
  • Revocable Living Trust: Helps avoid probate by placing your assets into a trust for your benefit during your lifetime and transfers the remaining assets to your designated beneficiaries after your death.
  • Durable Power of Attorney: Appoints an agent to manage your property and finances if you are unable to do so.
  • Advance Healthcare Directive: Details your healthcare preferences in case you become incapacitated.

Probate in Texas:

For those who pass away without a will, Texas has a detailed intestacy succession law that dictates asset distribution, but this may not align with the deceased’s wishes. Even with a will, the probate process can be streamlined if the proper directives are in place. Texas allows for independent administration, which permits the executor to administer the estate without court oversight, provided the will does not prohibit it.

Homestead Rights:

Texas has particularly strong homestead protections that affect estate planning. Upon death, a portion of the homestead property is reserved for the surviving spouse or minor children, regardless of the will’s directives, to ensure that they are not left without a residence.

Business Succession:

Texas’s thriving business environment means that many residents own small businesses or interests in them. Business succession planning is essential to ensure smooth transitions without disruptions.

Estate Planning for Blended Families:

Blended families might face complex estate planning issues, especially regarding children from previous marriages and the distribution of community versus separate property.

Regular Reviews and Updates:

Due to Texas’s unique legal landscape, it’s vital to review estate plans regularly, especially after changes in family circumstances or significant asset acquisition.


Estate planning in Texas is a tailored process that should account for the state’s specific legal nuances. Whether it’s understanding community property rules or navigating probate procedures, Texans should consider state-specific elements to ensure their estate plan is robust, legally sound, and truly reflective of their wishes. Consulting with a Texas estate planning attorney can provide peace of mind and ensure that every angle is considered in creating a plan that stands the test of time and law.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

Essential Components For Creating an Employee Handbook in Texas

In the vast and diverse business landscape of Texas, an employee handbook can be a vital tool for employers. It provides clarity, sets expectations, and ensures both employers and employees understand their rights and responsibilities. Here are some crucial elements to consider including in an employee handbook tailored for Texas:

  1. Introduction and Welcome: Start with a warm introduction, explaining the company’s mission, vision, values, and culture.
  2. Employment Relationship: Texas is an at-will employment state, which means either the employer or the employee can terminate employment at any time, with or without cause. This should be clearly specified.
  3. Equal Employment Opportunity: Mention that the company adheres to state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination and harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other protected status.
  4. Harassment and Discrimination: Include a detailed policy on preventing harassment and discrimination, along with a procedure for reporting incidents.
  5. Compensation and Benefits: Detail pay periods, overtime compensation, types of benefits offered (e.g., health insurance, retirement plans), and how employees can access them.
  6. Work Hours, Attendance, and Punctuality: Set clear expectations about the workweek, clocking in/out, breaks, tardiness, and attendance.
  7. Leave Policies: Explain policies on sick leave, personal days, vacation days, family and medical leave, maternity/paternity leave, jury duty, and military leave.
  8. Texas-Specific Laws: Address any state-specific labor laws, such as those relating to the Texas Payday Law or the Texas Workers’ Compensation Act.
  9. Health and Safety: Include guidelines on maintaining a safe workplace, reporting injuries or unsafe conditions, and adhering to OSHA regulations.
  10. Code of Conduct: Outline expected behavior, dress code, and any specific rules applicable to the company or industry.
  11. Drug and Alcohol Policy: State the company’s stance on drug and alcohol use, including potential testing procedures.
  12. Use of Company Property: Guidelines for using company equipment, vehicles, phones, and computers, including privacy expectations.
  13. Social Media and Electronic Communications: Establish policies on using social media professionally and personally, and the appropriate use of email and internet at work.
  14. Performance Reviews and Disciplinary Actions: Explain how and when performance reviews will occur and the steps for disciplinary actions.
  15. Termination Procedures: Outline the process for both voluntary and involuntary termination, including any required notice periods.
  16. Complaint Procedures: Provide a clear path for employees to raise concerns or grievances, ensuring they feel heard and protected.
  17. Acknowledgment of Receipt: At the end of the handbook, include a page for employees to sign, acknowledging they have received, read, and understood the handbook. This can be useful for legal and documentation purposes.
  18. Updates and Revisions: Clearly state that the handbook may be updated periodically and that employees will be notified of significant changes.

Remember, while these components provide a solid foundation, it’s essential to consult with a Texas employment lawyer when drafting or updating an employee handbook. This ensures that the handbook is compliant with all current local, state, and federal laws.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.

Protect Your Assets by Knowing the Basics of Contracts


Contracts are fundamental tools in the business world, establishing clear terms and conditions for engagements between parties. Whether you’re signing a lease, buying a car, or hiring an employee, contracts come into play. Let’s dive into the basics of contracts and understand their importance.

1. What is a Contract?

A contract is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties. It establishes the rights and obligations of those involved, ensuring that each party knows exactly what is expected.

2. Essential Elements of a Contract

For a contract to be legally enforceable, it typically must have the following elements:

  • Offer: One party presents terms to another.
  • Acceptance: The other party agrees to those terms.
  • Consideration: Something of value is exchanged, whether it’s money, services, or even a promise.
  • Mutual Assent: Both parties genuinely understand and agree to the contract’s terms.
  • Legality: The contract’s purpose must be legal.

3. Types of Contracts

Contracts can be categorized based on various criteria:

  • Written vs. Oral Contracts: Written contracts are documented on paper or electronically, while oral contracts are agreements made verbally.
  • Express vs. Implied Contracts: Express contracts clearly state the terms, while implied contracts are inferred from parties’ behavior or circumstances.
  • Unilateral vs. Bilateral Contracts: In unilateral contracts, only one party has obligations (like a reward offer), whereas in bilateral contracts, both parties have obligations.

4. Enforceability

Not all agreements qualify as legally enforceable contracts. If a key element is missing or if the contract is for an illegal purpose, it may be deemed void. Some contracts might be “voidable,” which means a party can opt to nullify it under certain conditions.

5. Breach of Contract

A breach occurs when one party fails to fulfill their obligations. There are various types of breaches:

  • Minor Breach: Not all terms are broken, and the core of the agreement stands.
  • Material Breach: A significant term is broken, fundamentally altering the agreement.
  • Anticipatory Breach: One party indicates in advance that they won’t fulfill their obligations.

6. Remedies for Breach

If a contract is broken, there are potential remedies:

  • Damages: Monetary compensation for the aggrieved party.
  • Specific Performance: A court order requiring the breaching party to fulfill their obligations.
  • Rescission: The contract is canceled, and parties are restored to their original positions.
  • Reformation: The contract is rewritten to reflect what the parties originally intended.


Contracts are the backbone of many transactions, providing security and clarity for all parties involved. Understanding the basics ensures that you enter into agreements with eyes wide open, protecting your interests and fostering mutual trust.

Always consult with legal professionals when drafting or entering a contract to ensure your rights are protected.

*All information on this website or in the workshops is for educational purposes only and the information provided is general in nature. None of the information published on this website or used in the workshops are to be taken as specific legal advice. Use of this website or participation in a workshop does not create an attorney client relationship between you and the Escamilla Law Office. For legal advice, contact a licensed attorney in your state.